Our (Happy!) Clients

What Our Clients Say

" [The consort plush] look so amazing, and are sooooo cuddly.

As always, I am completely and utterly impressed by the quality of work you Happy Workers produce.

All of us at the office are so excited to get the final product, and we think the fans will go bananas for them.

Thank you all for your astounding work! "

Cindy Dominguez
What Pumpkin Studios

" Feedback for the project has been AMAZING.

We’ve received LOTS of meetings for new business because of the project, and also got included in several Requests for Proposal that we hadn’t initially been included on.

All of our company leadership LOVES them! "

Liz Perry
Hacker Group

“ The quality of the cape, the print, down to the Linkedin logo on the tag… I love them! So did the customers!
I am so glad this came to fruition! ”

Amber Halstead

" Happy Workers are amazing.
They are creative wizards, enthusiastic, extremely detailed.
They definitely exceeded my expectation and their customer service is phenomenal. "

Andrea Franklin
Toronto Argonauts

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Be a happy worker! :)